malegoat – Expression [LYRICS]

This song isn’t close to my favorite malegoat song but it’s the only one I’ve been able to find lyrics for. You can support malegoat’s new music: they’ve released several splits with other bands, such as Empire! Empire!, akutagawa, and Duck. Little Brother, Duck! (vinyl available from Topshelf). They have a new album on the way, and I am very excited. “to face the music” is a very good EP.

Song: Expression
Artist: malegoat
Release: to face the music / Plan Infiltration (re-recorded)


Things like the lie pass in my presence.
You shouted. I existed as an onlooker. I was in the same place.

Seven days thought that it is a pretender are all.
Day when it surrendered. Day knew that nothing is here,
close my eyes. You turned around.

Everything is evenly arranged. (Everything is in my presence.)
Expressing the thing as arms.
Everything disappeared.
The day grows dark at the same time every day.
And, you were the same selection as me.

I obtain “Expression” that you say.

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