Guitars are in E standard.
Banjo transcribed as guitar; change the instrument settings if you have an actual banjo.
Bass transcribed on a 5-string C standard.
I’ve been sitting on this tab for so long, incomplete tabs have popped up on the web. This one has almost all their instruments and harmonies, present, however.
Guitar is in E Standard.
James DeVito uses a 4-string standard bass, but as usual I’ve tabbed his part on a 5-string C standard bass.
Wouldn’t you know I’ve been sitting on this completed tab for a year? And I started tabbing it two years ago; the first version was pretty bad. This version is better, but it’s probably not perfect. If you have corrections, leave a comment.
Guitar is in Drop D, bass tabbed in 5-string C Standard CEADG.
I’m sure the bass is easier to play on a D-tuned bass, however.
You know, I posted two Shinigiwa Satellite songs already, but this was the first one I started, and the last of these three I finished. Huh. The vocal harmonies were giving me trouble, so I put this song aside.
I transcribed the lyrics to this song; I had kafka-fuura look over my work. Read the lyrics here.
I really like Shinigiwa Satellite, not only for their music but because of their attitudes, haha. Like, “Oh, we don’t give a shit what anyone thinks, so we’re gonna record some songs (in audibly subpar quality) (I could write a whole post about the evolution of Shinigiwa musically and qualitatively as far as sound is concerned) and get in these events like IDGAF!” I enjoy that aesthetic. It’s very punk rock. As for their music… their good songs are either really good, but otherwise they’re just okay. Which isn’t bad! There are a few other songs by them I’ll probably end up tabbing.
EDIT: I fixed the tab… there were some very obvious mistakes… that I somehow missed. I blame it on me having less experience with music in general, though there’s really no excuse. Apologies to the 38 people who downloaded the tab and were disgusted, and the countless others who were given that tab through PMs and such that were also disgusted. It’s quite embarrassing, actually.
Putting the tonal mistakes aside, I mistaken tabbed it this song at tempo 116 instead of 232BPM. The song is the same, but 16th kicks were tabbed as 32nd kicks and well… it’s basically semantics, but it would’ve been better to tab at 232BPM.
This song (and most likely all Shinigiwa Satellite songs) are in Drop D guitar tuning.
I tabbed the bass in 5-string C standard tuning, easily adjusted to a 4 string Drop D bass, if you desire.
The software I use to tab songs is Tuxguitar, available for free on all 3 major OSs:
The lyrics were transcribed by kafka-fuura just a few days ago; read them here.
I tabbed this out real quick yesterday. I guess it can be my first post. Now that I see how easy it is, I really want to put together a band and just play this, haha. I made a quick demo video so you can hear what the tab sounds like; besides the strings (which may be a little off), I’d say it’s good. Please leave a comment if you have corrections.
To “celebrate” the creation of this website, I think I’ll post a tab every day this week. Woohoo.