Doing that translation stuff, and sometimes guitar tabs.
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Monthly Archives: January 2016
じゃねっと亭 – らーらるららら![LYRICS]
【ニコニコ動画】【東方Vocal】らーらるららら!【シンデレラケージ】(じゃねっと亭) 【ニコニコ動画】【東方Vocal】らーらるららら!【シンデレラケージ】(じゃねっと亭) A nice song about being friends with a liar. I like to imagine the subject of the song covering their ears and singing “lalala” while trying to ignore what the singer is trying to talk to them about. … Continue reading
ウワサノペタルズ – 最終列車 [LYRICS]
I may have quit playing the game but I’m still up to date on the latest songs. Waiting for the full version of My Precious Sign… Title: 最終列車 ———> Last Train Artist: ウワサノペタルズ Album: 最終列車 – Single
NSY ft. ランコ – A Coke In Misaki [LYRICS]
back from the dead Slightly edited from the original version from when the website was down. Title: A Coke In Misaki Arrange: NSY Lyrics: shuriken Vocal: ランコ ———> Ranko Circle: サリー ———> Sally Album: アイス ———> Ice