死際サテライト – 彗星ファインダー (Suisei Finder)

Shinigiwa Satellite – Suisei Finder

Holy shit that fan duet remix sounds amazing. This is my favorite song off SIGNS, no doubt. But I will get around to tabbing the other two songs, as well, because I think this is in my top Shinigiwa releases.

Drop D tuning. You can play in standard though: there’s only a few places where it hits the low D. I did not transcribe El Seitarou’s harmonies, because that would’ve been lot more effort.

I worked again with kafka-fuura for lyrics transcription, as we are Shinigiwa lovers. Here is his blog post for the lyrics: Suisei Finder. Unless Shinigiwa Satellite has removed the song from Soundcloud, you can listen to El Seitarou’s vocal version here.

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N.H.F – Mad Answer [LYRICS]

Only lyrics today. I imported this CD. It is very good. I will maybe upload the rest of it to youtube, because Mad Answer is the only track online as of right now besides a live set you can watch. This is my first “real” attempt at lyric translation, and the only way I know how to do it is the way I see kafka-fuura doing it, so, here we go. Lyrics taken verbatim (“Butiful days”) from the booklet.

I will eventually finish tabbing this song, too.

Song: Mad Answer
Artist: N.H.F
Release: Not Have Form
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:( – White Lies

:( – White Lies

I love :( man. Uh, anyway, all the synths are in, uh, E Standard I think, and the bass is in C (tab is a few months old).

You can download this album for free or “pay-what-you-want” here.

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Russian Circles – Malko (Intro)

Russian Circles – Malko (Intro)

Just a quick little thing because this guitar intro is amazing and then the rest of the song fails to live up to it. There are videos on youtube of other people playing but I couldn’t find any tabs so I transcribed one real quick.

Here is the tab in .png format, so you don’t have to download it. If you’re so inclined to finish the tab, be my guest; this is the only part I wanted to learn. The guitar is tabbed in Drop C but it’s playable in standard and whatever tuning Russian Circles plays in, obviously. Tapping + overdrive + reverb will create a similar effect to the studio recording.


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死際サテライト – 戦慄オルレアン (Senritsu Orleans)

Shinigiwa Satellite – Senritsu Orleans

… this song is actually kind of tricky to play. It’s totally doable in standard tuning because of the way it’s played on the EP, but I tabbed it in Drop D anyway, and I play it on the low D# anyway during the bridge… honestly, I wouldn’t want to play that main riff on a standard tuned guitar, but I guess it is possible…

The bass is tabbed in CEADG, which is what I’ll be tabbing in from now on, because I bought a bass and that’s how it’s tuned. Now I can “gets to the low C” while still being in standard tuning~

I assisted kafka-fuura with transcribing the lyrics: http://kafkafuura.wordpress.com/2012/09/12/senritsu-orleans/

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Anamanaguchi – Dawn Metropolis

Anamanaguchi – Dawn Metropolis

The instruments in the mix are a little muddy so I can’t guarantee the accuracy of the guitar… they don’t play this one live too much anymore so I’m only assuming it’s in Drop D because it sounds cool getting low, nomsain? Octaves might be off in some parts but just program/play it so it sounds right; all the notes should be correct so just pick the right octave. Bass is in C tuning but James uses a standard 4-string so do what you have to do. And Luke doesn’t double bass, so there are probably NES kicks mixed in the studio version. Basically, this tab is more of a rough outline for the song.

This tab is really old. REALLY old. One of my first tabs… which is why it’s kind of inaccurate.

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やいり feat. 周平 – Keep away from me

Keep away from me

Yeah I was just too lazy to upload any tabs last week.

Drop C guitar, C tuned bass.

I didn’t like Ghost and your heart as much when it was first released, probably because of length and probably because it felt like half of it wasn’t done by yuyoyuppe. But every song on there is solid. Not a huge fan of muryokuP, so I’d judge his as the weakest, but still a good release.

This is probably my favorite song on there, though. Yairi did a great job with this one. And though Shuuhei only provides screams/growls/harmonies, he’s still one of my favorite singers. Not planning on doing the others from this release… might happen spontaneously but I’m not planning on it.

EDIT: I’ve taken a stab at translating the lyrics as well; you can read those here.

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Danimal Cannon – Danimal Across America

Danimal Cannon – Danimal Across America

All instruments tabbed in C standard. Danimal himself plays in Drop D, but I didn’t add any of his live instrumentation or tab the IRL version. But since this is chiptune, there isn’t really a proper “tuning” for this song.

… I started this tab before he released his album, Roots, but when he did release it he included the SAV files for the album… so basically my work was for nothing, haha… I was basically spot on all the parts I had started. All that was left was the dueling solos at the end (arguably the hardest part) but still…

I’m interested in also doing Polywrath, Jean Luc, and the live version of The Big Crunch, along with the live instrumentation for this track (and possibly the IRL version).

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おにゅうP – 黒歴史 (Kuro Rekishi)

OnyuuP – Black History

Album information here. Album crossfade here.

So LIVE HOUSE is a cool little compilation album I listened to a lot a few years ago; this is track 12 on the comp. I think I did it on a whim… track 1 is also pretty killer. I apologize, I would upload the song to youtube but I’m pretty lazy.

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Story of Hope

[Translation practice. Pardon my mistakes. My comments are in these brackets.]

[Original Post: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/spmn2ek/e/7fe0bcff8413dc5a34fe53fa9b7500bb]


Hello, and “continuing forward from yesterday”, I’m yuyoyuppe.

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