Doing that translation stuff, and sometimes guitar tabs.
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Author Archives: Veto
「Story of Hope」 – Take my hand [LYRICS]
Lost in Forest by 「Story of Hope」 How did I find this band again? Someone I follow must’ve tweeted them. While it’s clear where at least some of the band takes inspiration from, it’s pretty good on its own. The … Continue reading
Foreground Eclipse – Wishes Hidden In the Foreground Noises
My first fully tabbed album, and definitely an album I perceive as being “perfect.” Foreground Eclipse’s official breakup will probably occur any day now; I’m expecting the last update to their webpage soon enough now that Winter Comiket 85 has … Continue reading
ふっかん – ロンリーウルフ [LYRICS]
SHE’S A LONELY WOOOOOOLLLLLLLLFFFFFFFF Here are Fukkan’s notes: 夏コミで出した新曲兼アルバムからのシングルカット。 このときはまだ体験版しかでてなかったので今泉 影狼のキャラ付けがイマイチ掴めず、昔買ったヴァンパイアのアンソロジー本のガロンの設定を流用。 原曲の音を全部詰めたり、日本語の歌詞を登用したり、「私」と「貴方」を強調したりしたあたり、 実は仮想味玉定食さんだったりします。 A single cut from the new album to be published at Winter Comiket. This time, because only the trial version (of Double Dealing Character) had been released, and … Continue reading
Foreground Eclipse – THE DISTANT JOURNEY TO YOU I’M DONE I’M DONE I’M DONE I’M DONE I’M DONE I’M DONE I’M DONE I’M DONE I’M DONE I’M DONE I tabbed the whole album! Wow! What a waste of time on … Continue reading
Foreground Eclipse – Forget Me Not
Foreground Eclipse – Forget Me Not This song was difficult, too. Worth it. Suzuori really knew how to write and arrange. 1 more to go! 1 more to go! I’mma try to finish it before 2014 but we’ll see.
ふっかん – ナイトバグ2 [LYRICS]
はい、まんまですwww なんで2かというと理由は2つ。 1つは東方×エルレの先駆者merinorshさんがすでに同タイトルでアレンジしてたから(ネタ被り) 先人に敬意を表して! もう1つはおんなじ原曲ですでにfirefly fliesって曲やってるから。 Yes, here it is lol There are 2 reasons this song has a “2”: 1: Touhou punk trailblazer merinorsh had already used the title for his own arrange; it’s a shout-out of respect! 2: … Continue reading
Foreground Eclipse – Truths, Ironies, the Secret Lyrics
Foreground Eclipse – Truths, Ironies, the Secret Lyrics This song was actually somewhat difficult because there are purposefully clashing notes in some sections but I mean it’s probably close enough, right? Yeah. Anyway I finished this like a week ago … Continue reading
the blankets – White&Red [LYRICS + CHORDS]
It’s all Fukkan’s fault I started listening to these guys, haha! They’re so good though. Shame they’ve seemed to have dropped off the grid. そのソビで大丈夫か? 大丈夫。問題ない。 EDIT: God forbid you want to play along, here are the chords: Intro + … Continue reading
ふっかん – Casket Case [LYRICS]
Well, there’s an official lyrics post, so it feels a little like thievery, but oh well. I’ve cleaned up the lyrics a bit and made them closer to the recorded version. Wish I had lyrics for Blues 4 Bad apples … Continue reading
Opened my eyes there’s an endless dessert. Ha. I’ve included Fukkan’s translation, as well. I wonder which came first… Song: Last Eden Artist: ふっかん ———> Fukkan Circle: 9bFOX Release: Across the Fantasy