「Story of Hope」 – Take my hand [LYRICS]

How did I find this band again? Someone I follow must’ve tweeted them. While it’s clear where at least some of the band takes inspiration from, it’s pretty good on its own. The female lead vocalist is also lead screamer, so that’s pretty cool.

A 1% effort from me, your esteemed translator of 4 lines.

Song: Take my hand
Artist: 「Story of Hope」
Release: Lost in Forest
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Foreground Eclipse – Wishes Hidden In the Foreground Noises

My first fully tabbed album, and definitely an album I perceive as being “perfect.”

Foreground Eclipse’s official breakup will probably occur any day now; I’m expecting the last update to their webpage soon enough now that Winter Comiket 85 has ended. Or maybe they won’t update it at all, and that last post was it. I mean, teto already blogged about their final live; maybe that’s the end of it.

I guess I see it as kind of poetic or something, that I finished this “project” of mine at the time they’ll disband. Or maybe that’s why I decided to force my way through the last few songs, because I knew it was happening.

Either way, this album and this band meant a lot to me, so I hope more people learn about who they were, and what they did, and eventually we can all talk about how “they were better when Suzuori was still a member,” or how “no way man Siym can shred,” or “man you can really hear teto’s improvement over their discography” or “merami sang for a lot of circles but this was HER BAND” and stupid stuff like that that fans gush about. I came into liking them 2 years into their existence, but I’m glad I was able to watch them for their second half.

Without further ado, Wishes Hidden in the Foreground Noises.
For convenience’s sake, I’ve also linked to Kafka-fuura’s translations.
Go forth and learn, and maybe someday we’ll live to be in a Foreground Eclipse tribute band, or even see a reunion!

I’ve listed the tunings I tabbed them in for convenience, but this album may actually be entirely in Drop C#.

Intro [Drop D]
Vermillion Halo [Drop D] [Lyrics]
Oath of Allegiance [Drop D] [Lyrics]
I’m the Seeker (Maybe Each Your Word Calls For It) [Drop C#] [Lyrics]
Dancing With Happiness and Sadness [Drop D] [Lyrics]
In a Night When Her Sorrow Resounds Around [Drop C#] [Lyrics]
Truths, Ironies, the Secret Lyrics [Drop C#] [Lyrics]
Forget Me Not [Drop D] [Lyrics]

Liner Notes

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ふっかん – ロンリーウルフ [LYRICS]

Here are Fukkan’s notes:


このときはまだ体験版しかでてなかったので今泉 影狼のキャラ付けがイマイチ掴めず、昔買ったヴァンパイアのアンソロジー本のガロンの設定を流用。

A single cut from the new album to be published at Winter Comiket.

This time, because only the trial version (of Double Dealing Character) had been released, and I didn’t really comprehend Kagerou Imaizumi’s character, I appropriated a ton [lit. “a gallon”] of the setting/feelings from a vampire anthology book I bought a while back.

I stuffed basically all of the original tune into this arrange, used Japanese lyrics, and stressed the focus on “I” and “You” within them, but the truth is I took inspiration from Ajitamateishoku.

Song: ロンリーウルフ
———> Lonely Wolf
Artist: ふっかん
———> Fukkan
Circle: 9bFOX
Release: A Seed of Disaster
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I tabbed the whole album! Wow! What a waste of time on a relatively thankless task!

Just kidding! I learned so much from dissecting these arrangements. I would suggest anyone who’s interested in learning to play music pick apart at their favorite songs, too, because it lets you peek into the artist’s head.

Tabs will once again be posted when I feel like it. 2013 was a big year and 2014 is going to be bigger, and I honestly don’t have time to sit around and listen to the same 2 seconds of a song for hours on end.

I’ll make a full post to send off the band later this evening.

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Foreground Eclipse – Forget Me Not

Foreground Eclipse – Forget Me Not

This song was difficult, too. Worth it. Suzuori really knew how to write and arrange.

1 more to go! 1 more to go! I’mma try to finish it before 2014 but we’ll see.

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ふっかん – ナイトバグ2 [LYRICS]


もう1つはおんなじ原曲ですでにfirefly fliesって曲やってるから。

Yes, here it is lol

There are 2 reasons this song has a “2”:
1: Touhou punk trailblazer merinorsh had already used the title for his own arrange; it’s a shout-out of respect!
2: The other reason I’ve used the “2” is because this is the second time I’ve arranged these melodies (the first time was “Firefly flies“).

It sounds to me like these aren’t the exact lyrics being sung at certain parts, but it can’t be helped. As it is, I just sort translated how I was feeling the song at parts, anyway, so be sure to check the notes.

Song: ナイトバグ2
———> Nightbug 2
Artist: ふっかん
———> Fukkan
Circle: 9bFOX
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Foreground Eclipse – Truths, Ironies, the Secret Lyrics

Foreground Eclipse – Truths, Ironies, the Secret Lyrics

This song was actually somewhat difficult because there are purposefully clashing notes in some sections but I mean it’s probably close enough, right? Yeah.

Anyway I finished this like a week ago but forgot to post on the 1st, my apologies.

Somehow, my I’m the Seeker tab has over twice the amount of downloads compared to the others. Usually I try to avoid looking at those numbers but I guess I was curious. But it would be funny if this and “I’m the Seeker” were the most popular…

And thus completes the arrange section of the album. 2 tracks to go…

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the blankets – White&Red [LYRICS + CHORDS]

It’s all Fukkan’s fault I started listening to these guys, haha! They’re so good though. Shame they’ve seemed to have dropped off the grid.


EDIT: God forbid you want to play along, here are the chords:

Intro + Solo: E -> A -> B
Chorus: E -> G
Verse: D -> A -> B

The B chord leads into the next sections, otherwise it’s just the two chords back and forth. You’ll figure it out.

Song: White&Red
Artist: the blankets
Release: 100%
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ふっかん – Casket Case [LYRICS]

Well, there’s an official lyrics post, so it feels a little like thievery, but oh well. I’ve cleaned up the lyrics a bit and made them closer to the recorded version. Wish I had lyrics for Blues 4 Bad apples because that song is great, too.

Here are Fukkan’s notes, which I’ve taken the liberty of butchering:

はい。完全に○reen dayですw


Yes. It’s pretty much completely ◯reen Day lol
And there was the opportunity to use a part of Kishida Kyoudan’s ◯uper◯onic◯peed◯tar as its punk-ness was extremely good, so the outro became like that.

As for the lyrics, I planned to write about “If I had a daughter who always hurt me.”
The times when girls are young is for black magic, because when they become big they become punk rockers who use Mesaboogies lol
By the way, the lyrics I write take a long time to learn and memorize in English lol
My spelling and grammar probably doesn’t make much sense because of that.

Song: Casket Case
Artist: ふっかん
———> Fukkan
Circle: 9bFOX
Release: bitter and sweet, memories and brusies
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Opened my eyes there’s an endless dessert.

I’ve included Fukkan’s translation, as well. I wonder which came first…

Song: Last Eden
Artist: ふっかん
———> Fukkan
Circle: 9bFOX
Release: Across the Fantasy
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