Original blog here.
I only saw this because I happened to see Teto retweet the original post, along with a comment like, “Wow, I’m shocked, I didn’t know he was in such a state. I hope he quickly recovers.” Having finally been able to sit down and actually read the blog post… it seems very serious. I hope he gets well soon.
If you don’t know who Hige Driver is, “This chip musician is mainly active on the internet. Hige Driver specializes in fast paced catchy songs blending instrumentation and vocals. He also works on remixes, game and idol music.” I’ve been seeing his name a lot recently, since mid 2012, at least, with the announcement of his performance at the final Blip Fest in Tokyo. Lately, he’s collaborated with yuyoyuppe, appearing twice on the CHOREMIX compilation, but yuyoyuppe also produced Hige’s “Tokyo Soda” single, as well as covering “Tokyo Soda” himself. Now, Hige is appearing live and doing live DJ sets… I haven’t heard him spin, but his songs are good, and his remixes on CHOREMIX are some of the best on that compilation. Here is his live set from the final Blip Fest, if you’re interested in hearing more of his chiptune music.
2013.05.01 – ゆよゆっぺ、体調不良に関して
May 1st, 2013 – Regarding My Poor Condition
予定されておりました、ゆよゆっぺがボーカルを務めるMEDYこと、My Eggplant Died Yesterdayのライブに関しましては、協議の末、5/4(GoldRush@名古屋ApolloTheater)と5/11(FoF企画@心斎橋drop)のライブをキャンセルさせていただく形となってしまいました。ご関係者の方には深くお詫びを申し上げます。
Following the announcement on Twitter, from the end of last month, yuyoyuppe’s health has been dire.
This time, and to everyone involved: I’m being a burden, and for that I’m truly sorry.
As yuyoyuppe is the vocalist of MEDY, regrettably, the final stretch of the tour (May 4th and May 11th) will have to be cancelled. Apologies to the staff and personnel involved.
Concerning his health, it seems a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer is the diagnosis.
Though it’s nothing to celebrate,
the doctors, yuyoyuppe, and his family discussed this, and reached the conclusion that a rest would be the best solution.
He sincerely apologizes for this, but, he’ll happily take a little space and rest.
また、同様に5/5に予定していたDJ’TEKINA//SOMETHINGとしてのMiXUS出演に関しましても 出演を見合わせる事となりました。
Also, the May 5th plans for a DJ’TEKINA//SOMETHING performance at MiXUS have been suspended.
To everyone who was looking forward to it, as well as the staff and personnel involved, his apologies.
また、その際のプレイセットに関しましては、本人及びヒゲドライバー両人の希望により、DJ’TEKINA//SOMETHINGと ヒゲドライバーが共に考え出したセットにて、楽しみにしてくださっていた方々を裏切らないようなDJプレイをさせて頂く予定です。
His strong hope for the May 5th performance at MiXUS, is that Hige Driver will take his place.
But, concerning that occasion’s playlist, both yuyoyuppe and Hige Driver have come together to think up a set, so the people who were looking forward to yuyoyuppe’s set and may feel betrayed having already bought tickets can have something to look forward to.
DJ’TEKINA//DRVIERとしての出演となってしまいますが、ご関係者様の期待以上の盛り上げを出来るよう最善を尽くしますので 何卒宜しくお願い致します。
Even so, now the set is by DJ’TEKINA//DRVIER, so to meet the venue staff’s expectations, the highest amount of effort will be put forth, to the point of exhaustion; if it pleases you, we are truly in your care.
yuyoyuppe: “Hige-san, I’m so sorry to leave this to you.
But when it comes to my substitute, the only person I can trust is you!!
For the sake of DJ’TEKINA//DRIVER, please fire up the venue!! Everyone at the show, I’m certainly in your care!!”
Hige Driver: “Though it’s a little presumptuous, this time I’ll be DJ’TEKINA//SOMETHING’s substitute at the May 5th MiXUS show.
Yuyoyuppe is… together, in this industry, a war buddy I’ve struggled with, a rival, and most importantly, my friend.
This time… it was a total surprise to me that his physical condition was in bad shape; as his buddy, the thought of his body being hurt,
when he’s always spirited and cheerful… I know he’ll be able to quickly recover his healthy form.
On May 5th, so that I won’t be shy as his replacement, and so to channel both of our spirits, I’ll perform with all my might.”
Everyone, we’re kindly in your care!
So that one day I’ll be able to make a quick return and exhaust myself with a comeback, from now on this is yuyoyuppe, once again in your generous care.
2013年5月1日 ゆよゆっぺ ヒゲドライバー TOKYO LOGIC Ltd.