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Tag Archives: 東方
ふっかん – ロンリーウルフ [LYRICS]
SHE’S A LONELY WOOOOOOLLLLLLLLFFFFFFFF Here are Fukkan’s notes: 夏コミで出した新曲兼アルバムからのシングルカット。 このときはまだ体験版しかでてなかったので今泉 影狼のキャラ付けがイマイチ掴めず、昔買ったヴァンパイアのアンソロジー本のガロンの設定を流用。 原曲の音を全部詰めたり、日本語の歌詞を登用したり、「私」と「貴方」を強調したりしたあたり、 実は仮想味玉定食さんだったりします。 A single cut from the new album to be published at Winter Comiket. This time, because only the trial version (of Double Dealing Character) had been released, and … Continue reading
ふっかん – ナイトバグ2 [LYRICS]
はい、まんまですwww なんで2かというと理由は2つ。 1つは東方×エルレの先駆者merinorshさんがすでに同タイトルでアレンジしてたから(ネタ被り) 先人に敬意を表して! もう1つはおんなじ原曲ですでにfirefly fliesって曲やってるから。 Yes, here it is lol There are 2 reasons this song has a “2”: 1: Touhou punk trailblazer merinorsh had already used the title for his own arrange; it’s a shout-out of respect! 2: … Continue reading
Foreground Eclipse – Truths, Ironies, the Secret Lyrics
Foreground Eclipse – Truths, Ironies, the Secret Lyrics This song was actually somewhat difficult because there are purposefully clashing notes in some sections but I mean it’s probably close enough, right? Yeah. Anyway I finished this like a week ago … Continue reading
the blankets – White&Red [LYRICS + CHORDS]
It’s all Fukkan’s fault I started listening to these guys, haha! They’re so good though. Shame they’ve seemed to have dropped off the grid. そのソビで大丈夫か? 大丈夫。問題ない。 EDIT: God forbid you want to play along, here are the chords: Intro + … Continue reading
ふっかん – Casket Case [LYRICS]
Well, there’s an official lyrics post, so it feels a little like thievery, but oh well. I’ve cleaned up the lyrics a bit and made them closer to the recorded version. Wish I had lyrics for Blues 4 Bad apples … Continue reading
Opened my eyes there’s an endless dessert. Ha. I’ve included Fukkan’s translation, as well. I wonder which came first… Song: Last Eden Artist: ふっかん ———> Fukkan Circle: 9bFOX Release: Across the Fantasy
ワニ ft. ランコ – 懺悔 [LYRICS]
love love dullahan This song is really dark, though. I don’t quite think I did the lyrics justice so expect edits in the future. 「ガビョウのビョウです。後は秒のビョウです。」 “Byou” as in ガビョウ (thumbtack). Afterwords, “Byou” as in “a second.” Song: 懺悔 ———> Sange … Continue reading
Foreground Eclipse – In A Night When Her Sorrow Resounds Around
Foreground Eclipse – In A Night When Her Sorrow Resounds Around Finished with half an hour to spare. Uh, some parts are probably off, because the bass guitar isn’t audible in some of the more chaotic parts, and I didn’t … Continue reading
Shinigiwa Satellite About Sections
Kinda just wanted to translate something. 【死際サテライト (読み:しにぎわさてらいと)】 東方projectサウンドに魅了された「衛☆星太郎」により2009年7月設立。 衛の発案により、サークル名を「死際サテライト」と命名。 現在、東方アレンジ曲の発表を目的とする同人音楽サークルの体を成した ダミーサークルとして活動中。 アレンジ・ディレクション・CD制作・納品を衛が担当、 吉沢はWEB・オマケトラック作成・売り子を務める。 Shinigiwa Satellite Fascinated with the Touhou Project’s sound, “Ei Seitarou” established the circle in July, 2009. At his suggestion, the circle was christened “Shinigiwa Satellite.” Currently, its … Continue reading
Foreground Eclipse – Wishes Hidden In the Foreground Noises Self Liner Notes
Editted 3/9/2020 I’m glad that, even though “Tears” and “Each” don’t have these kinds of liner notes, there was still one for this, their best overall work. Yeah, I said it. Notes: ふぉあぐら -> It took me a while to … Continue reading