Doing that translation stuff, and sometimes guitar tabs.
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Tag Archives: 東方
Foreground Eclipse – Missing, Loving… and Suffering EP Self Liner Notes
Well, well, well. What have we here? Since I’m interested in stuff like this, I’ll try to translate them… Source: Missing, Loving… and Suffering EP
Foreground Eclipse – Dancing With Happiness and Sadness
Foreground Eclipse – Dancing With Happiness and Sadness This song~ Teto really is a great drummer. It’s really apparent on the first two records that he has a knack for it. There are simple changes to beats that make them … Continue reading
ワニ ft. IZNA – アンコンディショナル [LYRICS]
Chug chug chug Chachug chachachachug Chug chug chug Chachug chachachachug Chugging that Eb… Song: アンコンディショナル ———> Unconditional Artist: ワニ ft. IZNA ———> wani ft. IZNA Circle: サリー ———> Sally Release: ビョウ ———> Byou
シュリンプ ft. めらみぽっぷ – 不思議なWonderland [LYRICS]
It’s a pop song! But it’s Shrimp! So it’s still kinda strange (considering “normal” pop sensibilities)! The catchiest hooks! The simplest lyrics! Thank goodness! Song: 不思議なWonderland ———> Fushigi na Wonderland ———> Mysterious Wonderland Artist: シュリンプ ft. めらみぽっぷ ———> Shrimp ft. … Continue reading
NSY ft. ランコ – Plaza roboscape [LYRICS]
キタ〜ing over how good this album is. 2 months! They made this in 2 months! This song is particularly good. According to twitter, it was Ranko’s first time “rapping,” but NSY was able to coach during the recording session… this … Continue reading
ふっかん – 最後の言葉は [LYRICS]
Artist Commentary: “遠隔操作もこれで最後だよ、という意味”とニコ動の辞書にあったのが元ネタ。 お互い、支えあっていた人と別々の道を歩むとき、 どんな言葉を送りますか? という歌です。 ライブの最後にはもってこいwww この曲を早苗の曲とするか、こいしの曲とするかは、サークルによってまちまちだと思いますが、 俺はあえて早苗ベースで行きました。 “It means ‘a remote control’ but also ‘this is the end,’ you know?” according to Nico lexicon. For people who mutually supported each other in the past, at the time when … Continue reading
Foreground Eclipse – I’m the Seeker (Maybe Each Your Word Calls For It)
Foreground Eclipse – I’m the Seeker (Maybe Each Your Word Calls For It) Another month, another tab I guess. I could get used to this. Used to think this was the only “bad” song on the album and then I … Continue reading
Lately, I’ve been trying to pin down my opinions on bands and such. Hopefully, posts like these will be helpful to people who are trying to get into certain groups, but don’t know how. Of course, since these are opinion … Continue reading
ムラ – My Operator [LYRICS]
I guess I’m translating My Bloody Permanence tomorrow, and that’ll finish this album. Only two songs had Japanese to translate, though… Song: My Operator Artist: ムラ ———> mura Circle: Rice Records Release: Break Your Bullshit
シロ飯 ft. LiCHe*、コ友 – Walk Yourself [LYRICS]
I guess I’m not the only one with the booklet, though I wonder how many others imported it. Remember, if you like the artists, please support them. You can purchase this compilation directly from Rice Records, using their contact page. … Continue reading