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Tag Archives: 東方
じゃねっと亭 – らーらるららら![LYRICS]
【ニコニコ動画】【東方Vocal】らーらるららら!【シンデレラケージ】(じゃねっと亭) 【ニコニコ動画】【東方Vocal】らーらるららら!【シンデレラケージ】(じゃねっと亭) A nice song about being friends with a liar. I like to imagine the subject of the song covering their ears and singing “lalala” while trying to ignore what the singer is trying to talk to them about. … Continue reading
NSY ft. ランコ – A Coke In Misaki [LYRICS]
back from the dead Slightly edited from the original version from when the website was down. Title: A Coke In Misaki Arrange: NSY Lyrics: shuriken Vocal: ランコ ———> Ranko Circle: サリー ———> Sally Album: アイス ———> Ice
死際サテライト – 漆黒スターダスト
Shinigiwa Satellite – Shikkoku Stardust This song may as well be in standard but I tabbed it out in Drop D anyway. I highly doubt there is anyone who even wants to be able to play this song.
※liquid lilly’s liar – nowhere [LYRICS]
too good ごっち is the lyricist for ※liquid lilly’s liar. Song: nowhere Artist: 雪花菜 ft. テヅカ ———> okara ft. tezuka Circle: ※liquid lilly’s liar Release: nowhere
死際サテライト – 偏愛サディスティック [LYRICS]
Idk I don’t feel like any song for any comp Seitarou has participated in will ever match up to Magical Chen Song: 偏愛サディスティック ———> henai sadisutikku ———> Sadistic Favoritism Artist: 衛☆星太郎 ft. めらみぽっぷ Circle: 死際サテライト Release: 東方幻奏響UROBOROS肆 ~dEATHtINYoVERdRIVE~
ワニ ft. IZNA – 童歌 [LYRICS]
A lot more effort had to go into this than I originally thought would have to go into it. Song: 童歌 ———> warabe uta ———> Children’s Song Artist: ワニ ft. IZNA ———> Wani ft. IZNA Circle: サリー ———> Sally Release: … Continue reading
死際サテライト – 憂威ラメンテイション
Shinigiwa Satellite – Yuuseki Lamentation Only place to stream this song at the time of scheduling is on Nicovideo. I’ve got my guitars tuned down to drop c If you wanna be scene then sing with me
Register6 – 名もなき鳥 [LYRICS]
Song: 名もなき鳥 ———> na mo naki tori ———> Nameless Bird Artist: ロー ft. mIsAkI w/ okahira (lyrics), yuta (guitar), しおたん (bass) Circle: Register6 Release: 運命ノ螺旋 ———> sadame no rasen ———> Spiral of Destiny
死際サテライト – DEAD SILENCE
Some of the songs on this album were the very first tabs I posted to this website. Of course, that was before those songs were put together on an album, but still. Those were the days when the DARK CASTLE … Continue reading
死際サテライト – 焦燥ジェノサイド
Shinigiwa Satellite – Shousou Genocide Whelp. Here you go. It’s probably not perfect, but 99% is pretty good. Check out this dude’s bass cover. It’s pretty cool!